| Since we live in a relatively small condominium, we are unable to provide a student with a separate room. Is it possible for us to accept a student? | |
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A: Yes, it is possible. We do understand the unfavorable housing conditions for people living in Tokyo (especially those living in the heart of Tokyo). Therefore, you don't need to provide the student with a separate room. In fact, some host families have the student stay in a room with their children or lay out the bedding in their living room for him or her. Each host family utilizes the limited space they have in their houses for him or her as efficiently as possible! | |
 | Do students eat Japanese foods? | |
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Yes, they do. But since each student has likes and dislikes in foods, please ask the student you accept what Japanese foods he or she likes to eat. It is important for you to confirm what foods he or she likes to eat during his or her stay in your house. | |
The personal data we received in advance from the student we will accept says "I am allergic to wheat. Is it fine for us to serve him the foods we usually have at home? | |
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Yes, it is fine. Many of the students, who are allergic to certain foods, know what not to eat and choose the foods that do not cause an allergic reaction. Anyway, if you accept a student who is allergic to certain foods, please ask him or her about the details regarding the foods that cause an allergy to him or her. | |
Although we want to be a host family to accept a student, no one in our family speaks English. Can we be a host family? | |
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Yes, you can. Even broken English seems good enough to communicate with a student in many cases. And if you have problems communicating with him or her, a staff member of SIFA will help you communicate with him or her. | |
We heard that the native language of students from Geneva is French and are unable to speak French. Can we accept a student from Geneva? | |
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Yes, you can. Any students from Geneva speak English better than ordinary high school students in Japan. | |
How should we spend time with the student on the days he or she doesn't participate in the joint activities with other foreign students? | |
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It depends on the host family as to how they spend time with the student at home. Some host families just stay with him or her at home in a relaxed manner without doing anything special. Some host families take the student out with them to such places as Harajuku, Odaiba, Asakusa and Kamakura to sightsee. | |
Who pays the travel expenses when we go out with the student? | |
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You will have to pay all the travel and food expanses for the student if you go out with him or her. You may not have to pay the expenses if he or she goes out with another host family. | |
Does the student place overseas calls during his or her stay in our house? | |
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Basically, students don't place overseas calls during their stay with their host families. But some students may wish to e-mail their families in their countries with a computer. | |
Since we have a one-year-old baby, we are unable to show the student around during his or her stay in our house. Can we be a host family? | |
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Yes, you can. If the student wants to go out, he or she may be able to make the arrangements necessary with another host family so that he or she will be
able to go out with them. | |
All of our children are already independent and only my wife and I stay in our house now. So, we don't have anyone who is in the student's age in our family. Can we be a host family? | |
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Yes, you can. You don't need to have a child who is in the student's age in your house. | |
Both of our children are girls and we would like to have a female student. Is it possible to have a female student? | |
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Yes, it may be possible. When you apply to be a host family, please let us know if you would like to have a female student. We will try our best to get you a female student, if available. | |